Here is a layout I put together of last weekend's tournament pictures. The sketch is from the October sketch for Scrapbook News & Review Magazine. It was an easy sketch to use and the layout came together quickly, which is a real plus these days.
Not much new this weekend. Victoria played two games on Saturday in the State league. They blew away the first team 8-1 and played possession for many minutes. The second game of the day, they ended in a tie. Victoria says they didn't play well and the coach was not happy with the defense for letting in the goals. On the up side, she says she played well both games, which is rare to hear her say. They can still win the league, based on goal differential if they play well the next couple of weekends.
Alex had a football game on Saturday, but unfortunately they lost :( He had a really good tackle behind the line a scrimmage which forced them to punt. Unfortunately, we had an interception & fumble which led to 2 scores by the other team and the loss of the game.