Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Summer is Shrinking

Yes, another school cancellation, which brings us to seven. We now have two make-up days, June 9 & 10th. With school starting early next year (in August), the summer holiday is getting shorter. On the bright side, the kids had a great day off. We had the kind of snow that packs well and so Madalyn, Alex & Mark spent a couple of hours outside building snowmen. I think it's the first snowman of the season. Hope you all had a great Tuesday



have a great week

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe that you have another day off from school...you guys are going to be making up days like crazy....on the plus side you got some super fun pictures! It looks like everyone had a blast in the snow!

Anonymous said...

Wow - another snow day??? We haven't had a single one yet! Great photos, though... I guess that's at least one perk of all that white stuff ;)

Unknown said...

crazy all the days off this year!! looks like you guys are taking advantage of it tho!!